Why did i become a local guide? One of the main reasons was because i love travelling and discovering new places. Sometimes the word discover might bring you some ungreatfull surprises when talking about service quality, food and the most terrifying moment: when the bill comes.
Therefore I decided that everytime I went to eat outside I would give my feedback of it. I am quite direct, objetive and honest with my opinions which is good for the places that are spotless from my point of view but terrifying for those who don’t reach the minimum standards that for me are HAVING FRIENDLY STAFF, GOOD QUALITY PRODUCTS AND REASONABLE PRICES. Another goal that I believe should become a reality is more accessible places for people with mobility problems, when you haven’t got that problem nearby you don’t realise of how important is sometimes to go out like anyone else to enjoy life. When suddenly you have a close relative with this difficulty you get concious and realize how much the society has still to improve.