Giving small businesses a happy promotion!

So, here in Croatia, there are many people who open their own restaurants, bars, etc.

It’s a truly great experience to have an ability to eat there, try the food and post the restaurant on the Google Maps to promote them, rate and share. I’ve met great people through this way, I’d directly talk to the owner about posting their places to the maps they’d always agree. Sometimes they were so surprised and offered me free drinks and food, I’ve refused because I’d feel bad about that. But it’s have me a great feeling. To meet strangers, post their businesses on maps, give them a promotion, give and get happiness. That’s why I like Google Maps Local Guides so much and this volunteer job! :blush: Feel free to share similar stories! :grin::hugs:

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Hi @AdemSof ,

Thanks for sharing your motivation with us and keep contributing to Maps and to Connect too, that’s the right spirit!

If you want you can take a look at the 14 helpful tips for using Connect, I am sure you will find them useful too! :slightly_smiling_face: