Giving people a hand at discovering my city

The main reason I love sharing on Google Maps is to make insider information accessible to everybody. I would like to give a hand to people who are new to a city I know very well.

No Time? No Excuse

While I love to show people around in my home town or places I now well, I often can’t do so. May it be because I am out of town or because I am busy at work or … I guess you know what I mean.

So sharing my favorite places on Google Maps gives me the opportunity to easily make my favorite places accessible to other people. While reviews are great in general I especially like the lists, which allows me to share certain genres of places with people. With the possibility of adding notes, this becomes almost like a customized hint list for my friends and strangers.

My Favorite Genres

As a passionate barkeeper I love to visit and assess bars wherever I go. I believe that a lot of people enjoy going for a good drink or beer in the evenings, so I hope my contributions help them.

On the other hand I love food, so whenever I eat in a restaurant I like to leave some hints for other visitors. And the best place to do so is of course Google Maps.

Last but not least I am passionate about outdoor activities like hiking, running cycling or swimming. While I found it hard to leave reviews on Google Maps for hikes (at which location would you leave it?), I realize right now that Local Guides Connect provides the ideal platform for this. So stay tuned for my next contribution, which might be about my favorite hikes in Switzerland.

If you have other topics you would like me to write about, let me know in the comments below.

I close this post with some impressions from a motorbike trip along the east coast of Taiwan.


hi @philipjunker

great post and awesome pictures! thank you for sharing!

good luck,


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