#Georgia Aquarium memories

Hi, I am Nasima from India and I recently moved to USA. And I visited this beautiful place called “Georgia Aquarium “, which is one the largest aquarium in the United States and in Western Hemisphere.

Amazing specimens of this Aquarium include Whale Shark, Beluga Whales, California sea lions, African Penguins, Bottlenose Dolphins and Manta ray.

It is really worth seeing and I really had great experience and this is first time I have ever seen Whale shark passing over my head.



Nice photo. Share some more pic of the aquarium. Would love to see.

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Hi as I am new here in the community I would like to know how I can increase my level…my google map is showing level5 and profile is showing 2 , I am confused how can I increase my level in profile too??

Thank you for sharing some breathtakingly-beautiful photos of the aquarium.

Congratulations on posting your first few articles this week @Nasima92 and welcome to the wonderful world of LG Connect :pray:
Additionally, I would also suggest changing the setting for the picture to display it ins in a larger size - that would look awesome.

Also, if you haven’t already, take some time to introduce yourself to the local guides community by commenting on this article.

Indeed, it looks strange that your level is shown as 2 in Connect when the Maps profile shows level 5.

I would suggest reporting this in the How To section where experts will help you with this.


Nive Photos, @Nasima92

However, I would like to ask you to remove the third photo, that doesn’t belong to you.

In Local Guides Connect we care about author’s right, included yours. For more information please read: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?

In addition please note that I have unaccepted the “solution” given by you, because your post don’t need a solution. please read: How do I mark comments as solutions?

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