Now a day’s office area gardening getting popular in everywhere in the world to give priority of sustainable environment. Also, gardening in office area helps to balance the environment as well as enhance the beauty of the office.
Following benefits can be enriched from office gardening:
Helps to clean the air in the working area
Helps to reduce stress of the employee.
Helps to reduce sickness of the employee.
Make office area more attractive.
Helps to reduce noise levels.
We may think to invest in some plants for gardening in our office area to change the overall Ambiance for the sake of creating healthy and attractive workplace.
সুন্দর এই পোষ্টটির জন্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ @SirajulAzad ভাই। কয়েকদিন পূর্বে রাজারবাগ পুলিশ লাইন হসপিটালের সামনে থেকে একটি বাগানের ছবি তুলেছিলাম, সেটা আপনার সাথে শেয়ার করার লোভ সামলাতে পারছিনা।
Hi @SirajulAzad it’s a very great thing to have a such a beautiful view or such a beautiful garden at your work place. It’s really sort of refreshment during a short break with sip of tea also it’s really benefits the environment.
@SirajulAzad A well planned garden in the work place will no doubt add to the health to the employees. So good to see this. Is there a special gardening team to take care of such gardens?
Que gran iniciativa! @SirajulAzad verdaderamente poder trabajar disfrutando de una vista como la de tus fotos encierra muchos beneficios para la persona. Ojalá muchos ambientes laborales se asemejaran a éste.
Office gardening is indeed a great idea for a sustainable city. Especiallywhere there is lack of place for plantation, planned office gardening could help the environment in big way. That’s a wonderful topic @SirajulAzad . Thanks for raising this. The greens will not just sooth your vision on a stressed day, it will also work as oxygen factory for the environment.
Was für eine tolle Idee!!! Und wie schön in der Umsetzung!!!
Einige Unternehmen in Deutschland bieten den Mitarbeitern ein im Gebäude enthaltenes Fitness Studio oder, auch sehr gut und wichtig, eine Kinderbetreuung (große Arbeitgeber). Selbstverständlich wird auch oft für das leibliche Wohl der Angestellten gesorgt.
Von einem so schön angelegten Garten habe ich hierzulande noch nicht gehört, aber jetzt wo ich darauf aufmerksam geworden bin, werde ich dieses einmal beobachten.
Liebe Grüße aus dem Lipperland, einem wunderschönen Teil im Westen von Deutschland