Gaonkhadi villagers maintain environmental responsibility toward turtle babies.

Olive Ridley Turtle Conservation,Gaonkhadi Beach, Ratnagiri

Location: Click here

Gaonkhadi residents maintain environmental responsibility, and each year, turtle babies are safely returned to the sea.

The beach is really tranquil. Connected to Gavkhadi village…tree cultivation looks wonderful. The beautiful sunset, lake, beach, and calm winds bring peace of mind. It is close to Purnagad Fort and approximately 30-40 minutes from Ratnagiri City. For any needs or items, you can visit Gavkhadi village, where there are medical and general

The villagers from Gaonkhadi in yeachnyear keep eyes on mother turtle come for laying egg on beach shore, then figure out the location where they lay egg, then out shelter on that place and keep secure theme from predators and animals, when then time complete and eggs will be hatched, the baby will be collected and on n one day they both are put toward see and on the way to see there, also keep eye and secure them from birds and animals.

Here is my youtube video of some shots of turtle babies going towards sea.

:oncoming_automobile: How to reach there :

You can easily get to the beach by private vehicle .you have to pass the NH166 and take left toward SH4 from Sangmeshwar via to mirjole village .in Ratnagiri you direct towards bhatey bridge from bhatey bridge beach is along 24 km .via public transport also come towards gaokhadi village then also you reach to the beach

:plate_with_cutlery: Where to eat :

. There are some villagers horel there and food stalls also present

:earth_americas: Nearby Location :


Very detailed information about turtles. Thank you for sharing this helpful content with us @Praniketmore .


Thank you … @ShubhamWaman


@Praniketmore Sounds like an incredible trip to Gaonkhadi Beach! Those pictures of the baby turtles are amazing. Turtle conservation is so important, and it’s fantastic that the villagers are passionately involved. Great work capturing it all on video too!


@ModNomad thank you sir for reading ,yes sir villagers take care of this natural phenomenon very carely ,and there next generation also carryforward this

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Wow beautiful beach, turtle are so cute.

Now I have to come to Gaonkhadi village in Ratnagiri.

Thanks for the post and tagging me.


@RosyKohli Thank you mam for reading my post and your appriciation.


Oh, I appreciate the villagers for be responsible. I appreciate you too for throwing light about the villagers responsiblity on maintenaning nature. Thanks for sharing the information with nice pictures, especially the cute turtle babies is the one I liked most.


@Praniketmore ein besonders schöner Beitrag über den Schutz der Natur.

Ich habe ihn mit Freude gelesen und die Bilder gesehen.

Einfach eine tolle Initiative.


Another stellar post @Praniketmore

The place is delightful and the efforts of the environment-friendly citizens of Gaonkhadi village are commendable :+1:

It is amazing how nature teaches baby turtles to rush towards the water.


Very, very interesting, dear @Praniketmore ,

I too have read about this Ridley Turtle Conservation…not able to recollect.

Your post is really informative and helpful… Great… So proud of you, dear…

The video is good, but a bit editing can make it even more interesting…Just my thoughts… You can keep the video public (not for children only - need more info, contact me) and then we can add comments.

The photos are very appealing and contextual too…

I’m also adding a shot I captured from Surat Aquarium:

Hope you will like it.



Thanks for your post, @Praniketmore , that is indeed interesting, but…

Unfortunately one part of the contents used has been sourced online, and this is against the core values of the community.

In Local Guides Connect and in Google Maps we care about author’s right, included yours. For more information please read: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?

Kindly correct your post, removing all the contents that are not originally yours. If you don’t know how to edit your post please read Edit your post - Why and How To

Thank you


@ErmesT thank you sir , I corrected that and delet that containt thank you .

Thank you, @Praniketmore

However I see that some “not original” content hasn’t been removed.

Please be aware that with the aid of Google Search and Google lens every Stolen content is quite easy to be detected.

Using content not originally yours is not only against the values of the community, but in several countries is also against the law. In Italy the fine for every stolen photo can vary from 300 to 3000 Euro :euro: , plus six months of prison. In your country the original content is protected by the Copyright Act 1957.

To avoid any legal issue to you Google is usually removing the contents, when they discover the violation, but it would be much better if the author of the post (you) understand the mistakes and fixes it in advance.

Thank you


Hi @ErmesT I understand that it is ethical to write a post with original content. I still remember your positive comments for my posts for being original. Whereas the information what you have given here that how Google search and lens aids in detecting the stolen content is new to me. Thanks for your guidance and being helpful.

@Praniketmore in one of my previous replies, I had mentioned that I got motivation and guidance from many senior Local Guides. @ErmesT is one for making my posts special.


Thank you, @Gurukrishnapriya , because originality is not only ethic, but it is also one of our core values: “We’re original. We post our own words, photos, and videos that we’ve created just for Connect. We don’t share content that we don’t have the rights to

Google lens work super fine for finding the source of the contents, especially on desktop computer. An example here below:

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Hi @ErmesT is this applicable even for detecting content?


Of course, @Gurukrishnapriya

You can get the exact text, of a similar one that can have “inspired” the one you use.

It works fine on Chrome, both on mobile and desktop


Thanks again @ErmesT for explaining. Will check. This sounds interesting. Yes now I learnt. Your explanation is very easily understandable. Thanks for taking up the strain and sharing the knowledge.

While conducting drawing competitions I had used Google Lens for finding whether a picture is copied. Now I came to know how content can also be checked.