G+ plus button still available on emails (Suggestion)

As we know that Google + is officially done but recently I have received a LGC congratulations email and there is an option of sharing my achievement on social media I still see G+ sharing button is still available.

I kindly suggested the button to moved. Thank you :slight_smile:


Thanks for bringing this up @HeyJoe . Would you please include a screenshot of the Congratulation email in question (please be sure to not show your email address) for @brittym to take a look?



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Hello @KarenVChin ,

I was planning to add it before and I thought it wasn’t necessary because I believe I was not alone receiving these congrats email. I hope crop well ha haa!!

Already updated my post for Britt :slight_smile:

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Thanks @HeyJoe . It is always best to show screenshots when you have an issue with anything related to Local Guides. It helps out and saves time.

Congrats on becoming a Street View Photographer!



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Thank you @KarenVChin :slight_smile:

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@HeyJoe I have also noticed this. Also, another sharing option didn’t work for me, are they working for you?


@SaifIS twitter is fine. Facebook I havent tried yet.

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