Funny translation bug

Hi All,

This morning I was participating in this discussion.

I needed to use the build-in translator to translate the page into English to read the latest reply. I then noticed that the first line in one of my previous replies started with:


WHAT? I don’t think I ever wrote anything to Donald Trump (and ever will).

I then turned off the translation tool and saw that I had written:


So obviously the translation tool is messing with the usernames.

This has happened before. If the translation tool is ON while writing a reply in English the usernames can be changed and making it impossible to post the reply.

I hope the team will look into this.




Yes, I’ve noticed translation tools is not working properly many times @MortenCopenhagen

One of the another issues I’ve noticed is search option on connect. The results is always getting wrong. For example please search Naresh Darji on connect.

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I agree, @NareshDarji

The search function on Connect and I are not very good friends :thinking:



@MortenCopenhagen and @NareshDarji

This is not the first time that Donald Trump has made a Connect appearance. I have seen him in another post.

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Hola @MortenCopenhagen , si, como dice @AdamGT también he visto alguna vez “@DonaldTrump” en alguna publicación, pero pensé que algún LG famoso se codeaba con la “high society”, por que no. Jajaja. Si me causa gracia cuando Translate cambia el género del interlocutor o del aludido.

Saludos desde Uruguay :uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay: