Fun Flash for meet . Sukabumi Local guides meet-up

Hey local guides . . .

In the past week ago , I got notification on my phone from group messanger sukabumi local guides, that’s one of member Indonesia local guides Kang Faisal coming to my home town Sukabumi,west Java indonesia and

In with his very busy schedule told us hope with Sukabumi local guides member at least can joining for one short meet-up before heading back in the next tomorrow to Semarang central Java .

caption : local guide Nyainurjanah, Kang Faisal, Kang Latif poseing with local guides sign

So in the very short time , we decided to meet-up in the nearest area around my working place , even in the weekend I’m doing some overtime before LOL .

Thanks so much for other member Sukabumi local guides kang Latif for joining us also . We meet-up at new restaurant near us Hidzie Mangkok Resto

It’s took only 3-4 minutes riding motorbike from my working place .

caption : collage food crawl during the meet-up

By the way this is like flashback meet-up for all of us . Our last meeting in 2019 long time before covid-19 outbreak and force us for stay at home for safety priority issue .

Kang Faisal trip long far away from Semarang ,Central Java . Come to Sukabumi for short time for some business and Kang Latif actually from Bekasi near Capitol city Jakarta before, moved and stay at Sukabumi hometownbfor this time .

caption : explore area of restaurant

In the meet-up we discuss for many things, latest local guides program ,and personal stories related with maps and meet-up even covid-19 and impact as local guides . we’re so aware about healthy protocol and keep use mask and hand sanitizer during the meet-up .

In the end of meet-up after food crawl, we doing take some picture and explore photo walk little bit in the restaurant area .

This is unexpected meet-up and without planing yet . Even kang Faisal on hurry because should heading back to Semarang via Jakarta ,we appreciate so much for him . Thank you so much everyone . Hope we can meet-up again soon .

Caption : poseing stay with mask , healthy protocol local guides meet-up

Take good care all of us , safety is our priority .

caption : local guides Sukabumi .credit photo from kang Faisal

Let’s guide


Hello @Nyainurjanah it is really great reading the recap.

The pictures clearly explain that all of you enjoyed a lot during the Meetup. It is great that all of you met at the New Restaurant. Being foodie I always love to explore new restaurants :drooling_face: :speak_no_evil: .

Stay safe and stay happy.

Waiting for more from Sukabumi Local Guides.



Hai @Nyainurjanah

Thank you for sharing your flash real-life meetups.

Youare lucky to have @isalkamal in this meet up, since he is now living in Salatiga, six hundreda kilometres from your hometown Sukabumi.

Hope you Can share kang Latif Connecticut ID too here.

Your collage about foodcrawl is mouth watering.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happyhappy for three of you.


Que bueno que hayan podido juntarse aunque sea un rato @Nyainurjanah !!

Me alegro de verte bien y siempre sonriente.

Que Dios te proteja a vos y tu familia.

mis cariños para vos


HI @Nyainurjanah

Great Meet ups!

Thank for sharing with us!


Hi @Nyainurjanah

Wonderful Meet ups with 3 great LGs!

Great Recaps too!

have a great day !


Thanks pak @BudiFXW

It’s very wonderful meet-up especially with very busy schedule and so tired Kang @isalkamal .No much local guides can joining because our meet-up so suddenly . Thanks so much for kang @abdullatif1 for joining with us. .

By the way special thanks for @PaDeSSo for all the accessories and signs local guides during the meet-up ,it’s mandatory property for us as local guides . Hatur nuhun



Maugeeee gracias

You know I really miss you . Wish you blessings life and hope we can meet-up in the real life soon . Greetings for your lovely daughter Agustina .

Big high from Nyai

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You are welcome @Nyainurjanah .

I still miss @isalkamal and @PaDeSSo .

I already meet with this persistent Local Guides.

Nice to know you @abdullatif1

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


Regard to my best friend Mr @BudiFXW , i miss U too.

Hatur nuhun teh @Nyainurjanah

Meet up kecil ini mengingatkan meet up beberapa tahun yang lalu bersama mas @isalkamal dan istri di kota Sukabumi. Sekalipun sebentar, tapi cukup seru dengan menyantap hidangan sate masjid agung sukabumi

I Miss U all :heart: :heart: :heart:


Thanks so much @PritishB

Meeting with fellow local guides I feel spirit booster for me , hopefully in the future more local guides I can meet,so we can real meet-up with you and with other west Bengal local guides in a day soon .

Greetings from Indonesia

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Semoga ya pak @PaDeSSo menjadi trigger untuk kita semua untuk lebih meningkatkan silaturahmi dan juga berbagi kebaikan ,keseruan bersama .

Abis covid kuyy @360bymiftah mudik sambil meet-up lagi

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Thanks so much , hopefully we can meet-up with you too in the future ,who knows .

Stay safe my friend


Hi my friends thanks so much ,yeah we’re so fun during the meet-up even so fast because limited time .

Salam kenal mbk. Ini saya Syakir Afin dari Semarang. Untuk di Semarang sendiri apakah ada komunitas nya? Apakah ada group WAnya mbk lokal guide Indonesia.

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Data pribadi spt no hp/wa tdk diperkenankan muncul di pesan layar, tapi di pesan pribadi

Silahkan bergabung dengan fb indonesia local guides, nanti bisa terhubung dengan para LG dari Semarang

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Hallo @SyakirAfin Salam kenal juga sebelumnya . Benar apa yang di sampaikan @PaDeSSo karena disini adalah forum international jadi sangat rawan menampilkan data yang sangat pribadi seperti no hp atau email untuk menjaga privacy para local guides . Jadi untuk data sensitif bisa memanfaatkan fitur kirim pesan pribadi ya .

Saya akan menghubungi no hp mas @SyakirAfin segera .Jadi komentarnya no hp nya bisa segera di hapus ya dengan cara mengetik tiga titik dibawah komentar anda kemudian edit .

Terima kasih

Mantap pisan dah suksez slalu buat google guides sukabumi…

Salam dari Jakarta Barat…

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