Full moon in Honduras!!

Lovely Full Moon in Honduras!!


Hi @Oskar_Rodz ,

Such a great shot, thanks for sharing.

What kind of camera did you use? Could you please share some tips for taking similar photos? By the way, full moon is always beautiful, but unfortunately I cannot sleep on that nights.

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@Petra_M I use a Canon Power Shot SX60 HS this camera has a 65X Zoom so that´s why is possible to focus the moon so clear. But when you use all the Zoom in this camera, it is very sensitive to movement. Then I hold my breath so I can take the picture! Is very funny haha XD

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Thanks for the reply @Oskar_Rodz , it sounds super interesting. I think I would fail.

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@Petra_M you will never know if you never try!!

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That’s true @Oskar_Rodz , you’re going to be the first person who sees the photo if I manage to take it.

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@Petra_M that will be fantastic! Thanks

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