Fruits Photography


@Djamalsharief Beautiful picture, photography related to fruits, vegetables and flowers is my favourite too.


Hey, @Djamalsharief lovely fruit … whats the name of this beauty?

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Good Morning from Bangladesh Local Guides!

Thanks for sharing with us the Fruits Photography.

Could you please tell us a little bit more about the fruits.

Thanks again.

Welcome to our beautiful Bangladesh!


Hi @Djamalsharief

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

It is a very nice picture thank you for sharing this with us. Which is your favorite fruit? Can you share more about the type of fruit that you took the photos of? I think it will be interesting for other Local Guides.

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Water apple, at my country name is Jambu

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Hi @Djamalsharief

Thank you for your information. Rose Apple in my country is calling Chompoo fruit.

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