From HarbourFront to Sentosa island through cable car at Singapore

Its amazing!


@shahidrh Wonderful :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :hearts:


@Nitishgautam Thank you.


Although it was raining, but the view was still beautiful @shahidrh

When did you ride this cable car?

I’ve been to Singapore before the pandemic and I saw a lot of cable cars in this beautiful island. Do you know that Sentosa also provide dinner inside the cable car?

I saw the advertisement. It must be so beautiful and romantic :heart_eyes:

@Velvel Thanks for your comment. I ride this cable car on February 22, 2020. It is really very beautiful. They provided me unlimited ride with cable car and a visit of Universal Studio in my package. They have different packages, but I am not sure whether they provide dinner inside the cable car.


Wow… it would be a great experience for you to ride unlimited cable car @shahidrh

Did you visit Singapore with a tour?

Yes. It was my personal trip for three days.


@shahidrh great you enjoy Singapore. Welcome back again after COVID-19. :+1:


@JSeng Thank you.


Hi @shahidrh

Wow that looks cool! How long does it take to ride the cable cars? What are the prices? Do you live in Singapore? I’d love to go there one day.

I’ve heard Sentosa Island is one of the coolest places there and beaches as well. I’d love to hear more about your experience.

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Hi @DanniS

Thank you for your nice comment. So far I remember, it take around 20 Minutes From HarbourFront to Sentosa island through cable car. it was a package of around SGD 130 for unlimited cable car ride and visit Universal Studio, Singapore. To get idea about the packages and costs, you can visit the website:

I live in Bangladesh. I visited Singapore on February 2020. My experience in Sentosa Island was amazing. You can also go to the Batam Island of Malaysia from HarbourFront through sea cruse after visiting Senotsa. I heard that Batam Islans as also a very beautiful place.

Wish you a safe stay.


@shahidrh Thanks a lot for your reply! That was very useful and I’ll be sure to check these cable cars!

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