From Connect to real connection

I’ll start this post by asking you: How many connections did you make this year using Local Guides Connect?

(please, feel free to answer it in the comments below)

If you were in lockdown for some weeks, in some cases many weeks, like me, I am sure you did many virtual meet-ups. Am I wrong?

With so much time and people using Connect during 2020, we had the opportunity to virtually meet Local Guides from our own countries, even the same cities, that we didn’t know before.

That’s what happened with our Brazilian community #LocalGuidesBrasil

Since April, we decided to create monthly meetings to socialize and exchange tips for Google Maps. It’s weird how many friends we’ve made. But the best is next…

After a whole year in-home, I found an opportunity to travel to an isolated location in Brazil. During my web searching, I noticed that I had a Local Guide connection/friend ( @CSouza ) in the city. And why not contact him?

Imagine yourself planning a trip with a Local Guided you didn’t know in person. Yes, both of us did it. Maybe two weeks talking daily and booking hotels and guides.

We first met at the airport, and minutes later we were driving on an amazing trip to the Canyons. You can see some details about it in @CSouza 's post here.

We spent two days traveling together, driving, and having great conversations. We drove over the mountains. We took a trail, crossing rivers and the forest. We discovered many points and places using Maps. We almost got out of fuel, but we survived :slightly_smiling_face:

And after this time, I had the privilege to met his family and stay with them for two days more.

I really appreciate the opportunity Connect gave to us, and many others, to literally connect. I hope to have another chance to meet friends from Brazil, Belgium, France, Suisse, Argentina, and many other countries, that I’ve made during this year.


Thats so facinating,please when you happen to travell on this part of the world Tanzania,Moshi town please visit me.

So i can taje you to various parts like ngorongoro craters,waterfall at marangu and town trips for breakfast and coffee at KNCU


@RogerOhayashi @CSouza Poxa vida, eu tinha perdido esse texto. Não sabe a alegria que me dá o fato de vocês terem se encontrado pessoalmetne (embora me dê um pouco de inveja também). As conexões que estamos criando uns com os outros são reais (mesmo quando não há encontro físico), mas é claro que saber que temos amigos espalhados por todo o Brasil e mundo me enche de alegria. Espero que na próxima foto estejamos todos juntos.



Awww, I know just how it feels. @RogerOhayashi

Canyons? I hope I get to see one in reality.

How many connections did I make?

I think about 14 till date. It’s being a pleasure meeting everyone! However, one person I really look forward to meeting even if it’s the last thing I do is @Sagir :grinning:


That’s awesome experience.

I have no doubt this relationship and experience will be for lifetime…

Thanks for sharing with us @RogerOhayashi

@Ewaade_3A we will surely meet very soon…

One local Guide I’m longing to meet is @U-royFelixA I called him my brother for the past 3+ years but we had not meet one on one.


@Sagir Thank you immensely brother.


I am sure you @Sagir @ will meet him soon. i have heard many great things about him. mr. @SanyaOdare also told us about him @U-royFelixA @ when we meT


Yes oooh (in my Nigerian accent :rofl: :sweat_smile: ) @U-royFelixA “awa Chief” is a great and passionate Local Guide. I missed having @Shirni at Connect and therefore look forward to meeting her again. I can imagine her chanting “party! party!! party!!!”


@SanyaOdare Lol @Shirni is amazing :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


@SanyaOdare @U-royFelixA I am still Party! Party! Party! hahahhaha

Miss you all so much too!

Sorry didnt join Connect much.

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@U-royFelixA you can say that again and again :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Shirni let’s hope there will be a party party time soon.