FRIEND = What the local guides program means to me...

Being a Local Guide means being a F-R-I-E-N-D!

When I first joined the local guide program, it was because all my life I had been a mystery shopper, reviewed products, given opinions and advice on improving businesses and had a huge desire to help local businesses by promoting those that deserve to be promoted. Essentially, it was about helping local businesses. I didn’t even consider making friends out of it.

Fast forward to 2019, and I met some of the most inspirational, supportive and generous people that I never knew existed. And guess what? They were all local guides! How could I have ignored this incredible community that had been on my doorstep and available to me all these years as a local guide!

Until I met these guides physically in person, they were just faces, names and guides who were out of my league in reviews, fabulous photos and views. Until I met them, I actually felt that I wasn’t worthy of being in their company. But just as you view celebrities from afar, and then meet them, you realise they are normal people with desires like yours – to connect, to help, to support and be part of a great community.

So here is my take on what the local guide program means to me:

F is for ‘friendship’. We have an amazing community through Local Guides Connect and the world crisis of late has highlighted just how much they care. Guides are reaching out to others, setting up virtual boardgames to play and checking in with each other to make sure everyone is okay. It’s a true community of friendship that cares, and I’m so blessed to be a part of it.

R is for ‘reliving’ moments. After an event, a meet up or even an email, there is always the time to relive those amazing moments where guides connected. When you have the opportunity to connect after an event, you bond even further by reliving the fun times, the great times and the learning times. These are valuable times.

I is for ‘Inspire. When you are thrown in with some of the greatest and creative minds of this world, you can’t help but be inspired. There is an incredible amount of sharing and generosity amongst the local guides and any question asked, is always answered. Local guides are inspirational and make you want to be creative, do more for the community and do it with integrity.

E is for ‘explore’. The meet ups I have been to have shown me places I would not have thought about going to on my own. My goal this year is to hold my own meet up after being inspired by local guides I met last year. I want local guides to come together and explore the south east corner of Australia with purpose. Put Australia on the map better than ever!

N is for ‘new’. New places, new friends and new experiences. By turning local guides into new friends, gives us new places to explore and create new experiences together. One of my favourite experiences with my new friends was a local guide coffee meet up. The coffee place was so popular, it meant a long wait in line. But this was a blessing in disguise, as new friendships sprung up as people began talking to each while waiting. When I see photos of this coffee meetup in San Jose, I smile and remember – that’s where I met a new friend, who is now, not only an old friend, but a forever friend.

D is for ‘doing’. Life is busy. But the local guides program and the way we connect, reminds you to do something. Whether it’s to write a review, say hi to other guides through the community or to read interesting local stories. When you have a local guide who is a friend, you will always be doing something new, inspirational and worthwhile. Because local guides really do care what you do.

The local guide program has given me more riches and blessings than I ever thought. It has given me friends. These are real people who I met through Connect Live, through meet ups, on social media or by following them and their stories.

The local guide program means that even if I never wrote another review or uploaded another photo, I would always have special friends that I can count on. And that is priceless.


Hi @TanTurner ,

I really like your summary of Local Guides, friendship and everything around it. So nice and yes definitely this is a special friendship, priceless.

Thank you for sharing and lovely photo you choose :wink: .

Good luck!


Thank you so much @LuigiZ - you certainly win the prize for the best and biggest smile of all the local guides. Your words mean a lot and it’s so lovely to be able to connect across the world. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @TanTurner , I loved the story about your journey as a Local Guide. It is incredible as I felt identified with it. Like you, I’ve been a Local Guide for a while, but only after some time, I discovered this global and diverse community. The photo you shared brought me great memories. BTW, You can easily find me on this photo, I’m the last, on the left side, with the sunshine crossing me. I wish you the best luck and hope to see you again on Connect Live 2020. Greetings from Brazil.


@TanTurner Awesome post! It’s amazing how beautiful our LGs community is and how much happiness can give to people. I miss you. :blush: I hope we will have opportunity to meet again. Good luck and stay safe! :+1: :hugs:


Friendship forever @TanTurner thank you so much for all wonderful funny time we spent together, wish you all the best:-)


Hi @TanTurner

I love the way you have written your post and here is a great exemple of the friendship from Local Guides Program. Special thought to @Giuseppe75

Good luck for your application and I hope to see you there!

Kiss from France



Hello dear @TanTurner ,

This is a beautiful post, what a lovely idea to present your Local Guide story through the beautiful word “Friend”. I feel so honored to have met you last year, you are not only a Special Local Guide but also an amazing friend that everyone would love to have. THANK YOU again for such inspiring post.

Hope to meet you soon again with beautiful friends like @Julien44 that with the couple of photos reminded unforgettable moments spent together that just tell to us what the true friendship means.

Love you guys and cross my fingers for your application. :kissing_heart: :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Thank you so much! Your words always mean so much to me. The friendships I made last year have continued into this year and for a lifetime. I am always happy to catch up with you online and in person would be even better. I hope to see you very soon and if not at CL, then you know you will be warmly welcomed here in Australia. :slightly_smiling_face:


It was a great time together and it would be great to meet again this year! #Friends :slightly_smiling_face:


I can’t wait to see you again! The fun times we had together were awesome! Fingers crossed we get to continue them this year!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I remember!!! Doesn’t that photo bring back the best memories! Thank you so much for all you do for the community. It’s an amazing one! Let’s create better memories this year!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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