Friday Weekly Market - Palllavaram - Chennai

#Chennai Photowalk # 135

#The Chennai Photowalk Pallavaram Friday Market

Pallavaram sandhai has 100 years old history. Earlier years it used to be cattle sandhai it seems…
Antique items to latest VR box available
One street food shop is egg special. Various eggs including ostrich are listed. Seen the preparation of egg kuzhi paniaram - Egg Recipe. One coin shop selling coins of antique and historical value. Ottai kalana , small denomination coins of various dynasty’s rulers.Costliest coin …Mughal period thick, heavy, small hexagon shaped. Rs 250.(~4$ USD)The total area is auctioned by local authorities, tenderer bid and win. Each shop pay a rent for a day basis. One shop keeper Vinod from Nanganallore said rent for his shop rs 300.
Second hand pant shirts,children dresses, cycle, brass items, vessels, utensils, crockery , cassette,CDs, furniture, many household things available.Flower nurseries, tomato, onion, mango, cucumber, kodukkapulli (**“**Manila tamarind” , or Pithecellobium dulce -,Coconuts , Chilly red, Grains, pulses,Jaggary,garlic and more such items are available.It was very hot by 8.30 am. Pity the shopkeepers who have to do business in day time scorching sun. Temporary sheds, drinking water facility and clearing the garbage strewn across seems to be basic needs.


Splendid phots @Balaji_B


Thank you.

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Beautiful pictures @Balaji_B

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