Every Friday, Googlers round up some of the best posts they came across during the week to celebrate the amazing discoveries Local Guides like you are sharing on Connect. This week, a trip totheHimachal Pradesh region,a food crawl, and more.
@KatyaL : I found the story “Relaxed but adventure was also on another level!“ by Local Guide @DrunkenChimp very interesting. It’s about his 6-day trip and adventurous paragliding experience in the beautiful Himachal Pradesh region in India. @DrunkenChimp tells us about the different places he visited and gives us helpful tips on transportation, accommodation, and places to eat while in Himachal Pradesh. His amazing photos can really make you feel like you’re part of his adventure, too! Sometimes, we need to overcome fear and break out of our comfort zone to be able to enjoy the amazing views from above like he did.
@VasT : This week, @rodriguespauloc urges us to share a special place that reminds us of our childhood in his post “Passeio de bicicleta no interior de Minas Gerais.” He describes his bicycle journey through the countryside of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, mentioning the natural sites and places he passes by and the happy memories they bring him. Make sure to check out @rodriguespauloc 's post if you like cycling or hiking in beautiful areas.
@PoliMC : This week, I really enjoyed the wonderful post “Is the Mate illegal? - #TeamArgentina” written by @Cecilita . In it, she talks about the infusion mate and breaks the myth that this is an illegal drink in South America. @Cecilita also describes the taste of mate, the traditional way Argentinian people drink it, and its various health benefits. What really impressed me was that mate has its own language—the way you prepare and serve mate can say a lot about your feelings towards the other person! At the end of the post, all the other members of #TeamArgentina also share their opinions and experience with mate.
@MortenSI : My favorite post this week will have to be “[RECAP] What to eat in Isla Cristina?” by Connect Moderator @AlejandraMaria . As soon as I scrolled through her post, my stomach started rumbling. She shows a perfect example of how to host a successful food crawl, eat a ton of food, and make valuable contributions to Google Maps while you’re at it. The attending Local Guides even dedicated time to go over the accessibility features of the places they visited, and I think that shows how far the accessibility movement has come. If you want inspiration on how to host a food crawl or just want to see a lot of delicious food, I suggest having a look at @AlejandraMaria ’s post.
Tell us about some of the best posts you’ve read on Connect lately and be sure to keep an eye out next week to see if one of your posts is selected for Friday Favorites! You can check out last week’s Friday Favoriteshere.
Oh! it is so great to be featured as one of the best posts of the week. It means a lot to me a visual blogger.
Thank You very much @KatyaL & @VasT for this kindness.
I assure to post more of my great journeys in the upcoming days and as a Travel Photographer, I will make sure that my vision will make everyone feel that they are the part of my journey somewhere.
Happy Guiding!
Checkout my Instagram handle for my Travel Photographs - [redacted]
Thank you very much @VasT and @PoliMC for selecting our post about Mate!
Im am so glad @PoliMC that you enjoyed the post so much! Mate is a very traditional infusion in our country and not so known in others. I am very happy that through this post much more people knows about it and give it a try!!
You feel great when you read that your post is included in Friday’s favorites. Thank you very much Google Moderators !!!
Special thanks to @MortenSI , your feedback is very motivating . I agree with you that we ate a ton and how Local Guides are getting more and more involved with accessibility .
@Cecilita No puedo creer lo prolífica que sos. Hoy me di una vuelta por tu perfil y quedé asombrada con la cantidad de posts prolijos, educativos y estéticamente hermosos que has elaborado. Te felicito de todo corazón. Merecés estar destacada en Fridays Favorites.
Felicitaciones por tu post @AlejandraMaria …aunque ver las fotos de semejantes delicias, me ha dejado secuelas psicológicas jajajaja!!!
Thanks a lot @VasT I’m glad you liked it! I’m very happy and surprise for being selected, being new at connect and still learning how it works, this motivate me to share more things from places that I like! Besides, arousing a good feeling in those who read… this is really nice to me. There are many cool and beautiful places around my city, that I will write about. Minas Gerais is a amazing brazilian state!
Congratulations @DrunkenChimp for your post popular now and in Friday favourite. I wanna to himachal Pradesh. And @VasT thank you share a great information about amazing place.
The post was very interesting for me because I didn’t know much about this drink and hope that the other Local Guides enjoyed is as well! Keep the wonderful posts!
You’re welcome @DrunkenChimp , your post was amazing!
As a reminder, Connect is a place to discuss with other Local Guides, but is not a place for self-promotion of any kind. Please revise our Local Guides Program Rules.
@CaroGuiniazu , me too and I cannot wait for the next ones!
Congratulations once again for your post being featured on Connect! It was great reading it and looking at your amazing photos! I’m really keen on your future travel stories and images!
I would like to let you know that I’ve edited your reply to remove your personal information, as here on Connect we respect everyone’s privacy according to the program rules.