Every Friday,Google Moderatorshighlight the best posts they found to celebrate the amazing discoveries Local Guides like you are sharing on Connect. These are posts detailing past experiences that we hope will serve as entertainment and inspiration for your future bucket list. This week, Easter Island, one Local Guide’s journey on Connect, and more.
@DanniS :I absolutely loved @MaxWalsh 's post about “The mysterious Easter Island - Chile.” I had previously read about Easter Island, but didn’t really have an idea of what the place was like. It was exciting to read his post and see all the beautiful photos he shared. Easter Island looks like the perfect getaway island to have on your bucket list. To me, it was also very interesting to learn about the famous statues, called moai. Make sure to check out this great post and leave a comment.
@InaS : While reading @FaridTDF 's story,“Connect y Yo,” I was touched. He talks with heartwarming details about how his journey on Connect started, the people that made an impression on him, and the new friends he made. Farid writes that despite the distance, Local Guides continued to connect through virtual meet-ups over the past few months. I loved reading every word of his post, and I hope you will enjoy reading it, too.
@DeniGu : Local Guides host virtual meet-ups on a variety of topics, from virtual tours to knowledge sharing sessions, and more. At the beginning of July, @KarenVChin hosted one such educational meet-up, together with fellow Connect Moderator @Kwiksatik . They talked about the Google My Business program and what Local Guides and businesses should know about it in front of over 30 Local Guides from all around the world. In Karen’s post “[RECAP] VIRTUAL: Local Guides Google My Business Talk,” you will find practical tips and helpful resources that are suitable for Local Guides at any level. If you missed the meet-up, head to the recap and share your insights and questions in the comments under it.
@PoliMC : My favorite post for this week is “[Recap]: Accessible London” by @Global_guide_Isha. She tells us about her first virtual accessibility meet-up, which is a part of the Local Guides Connect Anniversary meet-up seriesorganized by @KashifMisidia . @Globe_trotter_Ish made an engaging presentation about the accessibility of places in London by using different tools and contributions, like “My Map,” reviews, photos, and lists. The attendees asked many questions and heard stories from Accessibility Champions Emeka and Kashif as well. If you are interested in accessibility on Google Maps, you will love this recap.
Tell us about some of the best posts you’ve read on Connect lately and be sure to keep an eye out next week to see if one of your posts is selected for Friday Favorites! You can check out last week’s Friday Favoriteshere.
Gracias @InaS por la selección y gran gusto poder estar con el resto como @MaxWalsh , y @KarenVChin lel post de Max es muy bueno, con unas imágenes espectaculares, en algún momento tuve la suerte de visitar ese hermoso lugar y cuando releía el post me traía todos los recuerdos de la isla . Una isla tan misteriosa y con una vibra muy especial. Que solo se siente si estás allí.
Y por último el Recap de Karen, contándonos lo importante del programa My Business, me ayudo mucho lo que cuenta en el, se los recomiendo
Hello @InaS thank you very much to all the google moderators, for having highlighted my post.
It is always nice that the post, which was done with so much effort, is made more visible.
About @FaridTDF , what more can be said, always a genius and a good person, who dedicates a lot of time and love to this community, like @KarenVChin , who of course I haven’t read his post yet, but I’m going there.
Thanks a lot for this amazing post @InaS ! I always look forward to seeing this post to find out about the best local stories / meet-ups on Connect . Thanks for saving our time to go through all the posts and finding out which ones were the best ! You are doing an amazing job and I really appreciate the efforts !
@PoliMC Thanks for the mention ! I am glad my meet-up is featured here and loved and appreciated by all I would be happy to host such meet-ups in the future and create more awareness and increase the willingness of Local Guides to contribute towards Accessibility !
Thanks a lot @KashifMisidia ji for all your encouragement, support and appreciation! I am blessed to be in a team that is dedicated towards accessibility #oneacessibility
Thanks for last Friday Favorites shout out @InaS . I am in great company with:
@MaxWalsh – I wish I can get on a plane and visit Easter Island
@FaridTDF – Speaking from the bottom of his heart about his deep love and genuine passion for Connect and the LocalGuidesConnect Community
@Globe_trotter_Ish – Her first-time virtual meet-up energy and enthusiasm are contagious
My Google My Business Talk virtual meet-up would not have existed if it had not been for @Kwiksatik willingness to share her experiences as a Local Guide and Google My Business advocate with me. Thanks Megan!!
Once again another great selection of Friday Favorites @InaS and a BIG congratulations to all selected Local Guides. Having been to Easter Island myself, I can really relate to the post by @MaxWalsh about this mysterious island and it’s hundreds of moai.