Friday Favorites: a trip to Havana, an international virtual meet-up, and more

Every Friday, Google Moderators highlight the best posts they found to celebrate the amazing discoveries Local Guides like you are sharing on Connect. These are posts detailing past experiences that we hope will serve as entertainment and inspiration for your future bucket list. This week, a trip to Havana, an international virtual meet-up, and more.

@MoniV : This week, I was mesmerized by the amazing post “Havana ooh-na-na, I left my heart in Havana!” by Local Guide @Melissa_FoodRadar . In it, she shares her experience from a trip to Havana, and you can almost hear the music and feel the spirit of this city from her stunning photos. Check out Melissa’s post and enjoy Cuba’s unique atmosphere.

@MoniDi : Last year, I visited Dubai but somehow missed to add the Global Village to my itinerary. Thanks to @TheLifesWay post, Wonders of the World in Global Village, Dubai, UAE,” I feel like I’ve seen it with my own eyes. @TheLifesWay has shared a series of posts dedicated to this diverse amusement park. In this post, he introduces some of the popular tourist attractions from around the world, replicated in the Global Village. Beautiful night photographs complement his text.

@PoliMC : My favorite post this week is the recap “Female Local Guide Superstars having virtual Meet-up” by @MahabubMunna . I’m impressed by how passionate the Bangladesh Local Guides are when it comes to organizing virtual meet-ups. This particular meet-up featured over 20 female Local Guides and 45 participants in total from 12 different countries. They talked about contributions, got to know each other better, and shared inspiring tips and stories. This is a great example of how Local Guides can come together despite being countries apart.

@BorrisS : I have always been fascinated with Japan. When I came across @Wei929 ’s post, I lost my heart in Kansai region, Japan for all time,” I simply fell in love with it. In it, @Wei929 gives her recommendations on what to see in the Kansai Region, while every single photo of hers tells us why. From the first photograph to the last, I discovered different aspects of this country: from the rural areas to modern cities, all beautiful and unique.

Tell us about some of the best posts you’ve read on Connect lately and be sure to keep an eye out next week to see if one of your posts is selected for Friday Favorites! You can check out last week’s Friday Favorites here.


WoW! It’s great to see that my collage creation here! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thanks @MoniV for sharing. I really enjoy virtual meetups.

Thanks @PoliMC for choosing our meetup. :heart::heart:

**Btw, it’s Saiyen Azad


Hi @Saiyen ,

Thank you for the amazing photo and the great virtual meet-up.

The thanks should go to @PoliMC , she is the one who chose the post and the photo for the Friday Favorites post.


Thanks a lot, @MoniV and @MoniDi for like our meetup and add in Friday favorite list.

Virtually Rose apple for you

identifier.html (768 KB)


This is really a wonderful selection of posts for Friday Favorites @MoniV

Specially I liked Havana ooh-na-na, I left my heart in Havana! post very much.

Congratulations to LG’s @Melissa_FoodRadar @TheLifesWay @MahabubMunna and @Wei929 for your beautiful posts.


Hi @vijayparadkar ,

Thank you for the appreciation. I really enjoyed @Melissa_FoodRadar 's post, and of course all the others are amazing as well.


Wow! It feels great to be a part of the meetup “Female Local Guide Superstars having virtual Meet-up” and thanks a lot @MoniV @PoliMC for choosing this meetup :grin:


Hi @Saiyen ,

You are welcome!

Keep organizing such great meet-ups! :slightly_smiling_face:


@PoliMC we arrange another Female meetup this Sunday .if you free you can join with us .April 19, 2020 at

09:00 PM Bangladesh time [GMT6+]
08:00 AM San Francisco time
10:00 AM maxico time
11:00 AM New York time
12:00 PM Argentina time
04:00 PM London time
01:00 AM Australia ( 20th April)
08:00 PM Pakistan time
08:30 PM Indian time
10:00 PM Thailand & Indonesia time

Join link : /


@MoniV Wow. this really amazing. thanks for share


Congratulations all organizer’s who arrangement the best virtual meetup previous week. @MoniV Thank you so much for your favorite weekend post sharing with us :heart: .

[Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family]

Best Regards.




# Click Here & Read My Previous Post.


@MoniV OMG!!! it was such an honor to be selected on Friday favorites.It means a lot me. Thank you so much!!! <3<3<3

I also enjoy reading other posts, especially @MahabubMunna 's post. Thank you for sharing all the meet up details and also the youtube video. I’m really inspired by your post.


thanks a lot @Melissa_FoodRadar / this Sunday also our another female meetup. if you want you can join us .

Feel free to join with us and share your experience: April 19, 2020,
09:00 PM Bangladesh time [GMT6+]
08:00 AM San Francisco time
10:00 AM Mexico time
11:00 AM New York time
12:00 PM Argentina time
04:00 PM London time
08:00 PM Pakistan time
08:30 PM Indian time
10:00 PM Thailand & Indonesia time
01:00 AM Australia ( 15th April)

Join link:


@MoniV Thank you so much for featuring and compliments :heart:


@vijayparadkar @Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@vijayparadkar thank you so much for your compliment, Vijay! Really appreciated:)


It is a great selection; I especially liked @user_not_found LifesWay, wonderful!


Thank you @MoniV for the great selection, and of course congratulations to @Melissa_FoodRadar , @TheLifesWay , @MahabubMunna and @Wei929

Regarding your question, yes, there is a post that touched my heart, and show that if you want, you can do it, making possible something that, on the Corona Days seems to be impossible: helping others.

Chapeau to @ravindus and his Let’s defeat CORONA together – Feeding 58 families for two weeks

His post reminds me of the Italian earthquake, when we crossed the country to bring food and clothes to the people who had no more a place to stay, an experience that gave the kick off of wonderful friendships and transformed my wife and myself to citizens of the earthquake area.

Well done, @ravindus , your post is my Friday Favourite


@MoniV great collection and thanks for sharing.

@ErmesT , Thank you very much for your kind complements on my post “Let’s defeat CORONA together – Feeding 58 families for two weeks” . I’m quite humbly honoured. :blush:


@MoniV Thanks a lot for featuring my series of posts from Global Village in Dubai. It gives me great pleasure to share the content on Connect Local Guides forum as I have taken a leave from other necessary things like traveling to and fro from the office which gives me time to spend in this community of like-minded people sharing great content from across the world. Cheers!!! Aashish