Went to Franklin Cider Mill at a lower peak and yes the Cider and Donuts were still good and warm. They weren’t making Chow-Chow this year, they said next year maybe if Covid goes AWAY. But it was nice to sit and eat in our car and not worry that we’re keeping others from getting donuts and other product. They recommend you do online orders right now, but still offer in person services too. Wear your mask and your patients look at the ducks and smile.
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Franklin Cider Mill sells fresh made donuts, cider both COLD and HOT and other confections. They also sell honey and jellies. Usually they make CHOW-CHOW which my mom loves, but this wasn’t offered this year because of COVID. Their donuts are what I look forward to all year because I ONLY like their donuts. Also you can get honey crisp apples in bags too. The whole facility is peaceful and there are activities for the kids to enjoy. Get there before they close the week of or before Thanksgiving. If you want large quantities of cider you should buy now they tend to run out before the donuts and apples.