If you in France. Let’s meet up
Hey @3011 ,
Thanks a lot for your request and great enthusiasm.
Please have a look here to understand better how to organise a meet-up. I recommend also to read this great post and explore our meet-up platform to check if there is any event happening close to you.
To create your own meet-up, click here.
Looking forward for your submission and good luck!
By the way, did you know there is a great french community here on Connect?
Many thanks.
Hi @3011
Welcome to connect,there are lot of active local guides in France,but I just mention here my friend,
@Julien44 can you please help anything about meet up in France?
Have a nice day
Hello @AkmalB ,
Thanks for tagging me.
Bonjour @3011 ,
Bienvenue dans local guides connect.
Sache qu’il existe une communauté francophone ici:
Comme tu es nouveau, je te conseille de prendre connaissance du post de boyscout:
N’hésites pas non plus à te présenter ici:
A ta disposition si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit.
A bientôt