Forever Favoring Family Run Establishments

I care about a lot of things. I care about finding the tastiest food, the newest restaurants, the most Instagram-worthy spots. However, you know what I REALLY care about? Family Run Food Establishments. I care about bringing more attention, and bringing more people, to places that have couples, families, siblings, parents, whoever — Waking up every day to bring life to their eatery.

These people had a dream of owning a business and allowing it to flourish. They had a dream to make stomachs full and happy with their creations. Their recipes. It’s not always easy to find these places, but I assure you it’s always rewarding.

What brought this on? I grew up visiting a small okazuya (a Japanese style deli) every few weeks or so. It never failed to be such a treat! I loved the items I got: a spam musubi, a piece of corned beef hash and a huge slab of Japanese style tamago (egg!). I always knew how good the food was, but even more so… I always noticed the dynamic of the place. The little old lady out in the front would take orders and man the cash register. Her husband, along with the help of their son, would prepare the food in the back to keep up with the many hungry people who stopped in. People from all walks of life huddled into that tiny shop. Construction workers, businesswomen, mothers with their kids… Me! And we all left happy.

Years later, this family is still doing this work. Each morning, they’re ready for the (small) crowds.

Even though I want places like this to be my own little secret, I also want EVERYONE to know about it. I guess you could say this is how I feel about all family run establishments. I want these families who are running these places to be overwhelmed with support of the community (and world) around them.

In short, it’s the cause I care about sharing on Google Maps. I’m moving slowly, but I’m doing my best to get the word out there. I may not get to all the family run businesses in the world, but I hope with the help of my fellow Local Guides, we can all show these families the love and support they deserve!