Forbidden Waterfall. Forbidden Place for Visitors??

Hey, local guides! Hope all of you doing great.

Caption: picture waterfall and sunshine around the rocky rivers

So let me share my last week traveling around my hometown, Sukabumi Indonesia.

Early morning on the weekend, riding a motorbike to some unknown place, wet track, just follow a route on Google maps, there is some local sign and finally no road anymore. Time for parking the motorbike and here we go.

Caption: wet track road with a sign on the side

Ask local people about our destination, don’t forget to buy some local food as a campaign local guides to support small businesses, and fill the tumbler drink. We join another group fortunately so feel so save because one of them is local people.

The first challenge is to cross the small river without a bridge. Let’s get wet and walk slowly between rocky rivers. The second one is to walk on wet soil as a road. You should be careful because so slippery.

Caption:walking riverside in the forest

Get ready to wet again because the second river to cross, and one more again river as the third cross the river and still no bridge. By the way deep river around the knees so that is still safe but sure you must extra careful, who knows flooded rob can come anytime.

Back to walk riverside for a few minutes and finally arrived at our destination. Sounds pretty good this place is not too far and not really in the forest. Just need a little bit of some public facility like a bridge

This place is called “Curug Larangan” in Bahasa Indonesia. Curug is mean waterfall and Larangan is disallowance, a ban that means something forbidden or something like that.

Here link on google maps

Curug Larangan

And this is my single-shot 360 photo from my phone.

Curug Larangan

I don’t know why this beautiful waterfall is called the forbidden waterfall. Something mysterious thing in the past as history or because challenging effort to reach here? I never ask local people about this issue.

Caption: Posing love in front of a waterfall local guide Nyainurjanah and cousin.

More than 100 reviews on google maps, that’s impressive. Unfortunately, this place is without a signal internet on my phone provider, So forget about showing off on social media on location haha. I tried to create a photo path on my Street view maps but some of the files were broken and my phone battery ran out.

Curug larangan maybe hear so weird but trust me that’s a naturally beautiful place. This is open to tourists and I see development progress still going on for the building better facility.

The local people are so friendly even they give me free steamed bananas as a snack and offer for borrowing their sandals to cross the river for our shoes are still dry. We politely said thank you and keep walking in our shoes.

One thing that comes to my mind is why called forbidden waterfall maybe because of location remote area and the danger for reach there. Nowadays is better but a few years ago I’m sure that waterfall was untouchable.

So forget about the forbidden for visitors because reality welcomes tourists and enjoys the waterfall.

So do you feel my effort is worth it for this waterfall?

Leave your comments below and see you on the next journey!


Thanks to local guides Kang Dedi Suhendra ( He is very best person for ask all about Sukabumi especially about history and tourist attractions Sukabumi ) @d3d1s explain to us in detail why these places are called forbidden waterfalls. The main reason this place is untouchable before and the favorite place habits of wild animals are so very dangerous for humans. The additional suggestion is don’t try to bring strong smell food barbecue like meat because can invite wild animals. Be polite and wise as visitors do not vandalism, throw some trash, or even drink alcohol or drugs. Be respectful to nature, enjoy the main view, and leave good reviews including reminding other visitors to keep that place stay natural.


5 minutes video when I cross the rivers and a 1-minute video show the entire waterfall. Enjoy!


Hi @Nyainurjanah ,

very nice place and indeed worth to be visiting it! I like waterfalls and normally you need to walk a bit to reach them, even better if hidden … and perhaps also good there is no phone signal to enjoy it and the nature around for a little while :yum: .

Thank you for sharing the place and your trip :grin: .


Hello @Nyainurjanah

Wow !!! Well-done. You have done very well.I read your post and I like the way you described it all. I enjoy the story. I have been to three waterfalls in West Africa and they are lovely. The first time I went was on motorbike as well and the road/trails were not too smooth and dangerous but I went anyway.

Happy to hear that the locals were kind and helpful to you. Am sorry your battery ran out. I like taking photo paths video too,I have taken over 1000kms already on my SV profile. Did you try 360° photo? Maybe not. It’s a good and interesting journey.

Yes your effort was worth it. Thank you for going and for sharing with us. Give a hug to your friend on our behalf. Happy travels and guiding.



Thank you @LuigiZ

Aha ha yes that’s good things without signal.

You’re true, I never visited a natural waterfall which is a location very close to highways. There is always a need to walk a little bit around the forest.

Stay safe, stay blessed.

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Hello @SholaIB

Wow, a waterfall is always lovely scenery, and happy to know you had experienced it like me too riding a motorbike like a trail haha.

You passed a 1000 km photo path, You’re master level, I am still an expert and collect around 160 km. I rarely take 360 photos because using a phone little bit of hard effort to perfect the result of all puzzles.

Here is my single-shot 360 picture and I edited my post too to insert this photo.

Curug Larangan

A hug from all of us in Indonesia for you.



Wow ! Thank you for sharing that 360° photo. I love it. Is that with your mobile ? That’s a great job. I feel like going to that Waterfall too. Hahaha

Well keep contributing to the photopath little by little and with time you will be there. Warm greetings from Nigeria all the way to Indonesia


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Finding forbidden places is the main and interesting task of a local guide @Nyainurjanah and you beautifully done this task . I love Nature and as a nature lover I love to see the pictures you add on this post . Amazing post .

Thanks and have a nice day :blush:

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great views @Nyainurjanah :smiling_face: :facepunch:t2: .sometimes when people jump from waterfalls and die, they usually put a ban here.maybe that’s the case here too.

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Yes, @SholaIB I took 360 photos from my google pixel 3 XL.

Thanks for the nice advice and you’re kindly supporting.

Stay safe, stay blessed.


Thank you @Mukul_Anand

Yes, finding something unique around my town is one of my fav activities.

Thanks for the local guides program encouraging me in this passion.

Have a great day.


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Haha @Gezendunyali

It was a similar case a few weeks ago, a son of an Indonesian politician died because of playing in the rivers, and bombed reviews from Indonesian.

Well, I don’t know exactly why it is called forbidden. Should I edit the name of this waterfall on Google maps :rofl: :rofl: ?

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Update: @Gezendunyali

I got the answer to why these places are called forbidden. The main reason in the past and probably still exist this place is a fav habit wild animals spending time, so there very dangerous for human.

I also update my post. Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing the information with us.:smiling_face: :pray:t2: @Nyainurjanah

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