For connect live 2020

What is the most interesting thing I have donne as a local guide program

The most important things that I have donneThe local guides program means to me more things as local guide program is
Share information on Google maps to help others
Share my experience and my photos and video

for example when I visited last year desert in Algeria I take many photos and a vedeo

I share them on Google maps to see them by people’s in the world

The Algerian desert contains wonderful sands and beautiful scenery and contains customs and traditions different from the customs of other peoples in everything in clothes, food and even hotels where there are tents and animals such as the camel that is considered a means of transportation as there are oases containing palm trees and the famous fruit in the desert is dates and is rich in nutrients The important thing for the body is to share all this with people who have not visited the desert
I like to give information about the places i visited, such as restaurants, gardens, hotels and share them photos and videos so many peoples visit this places
By sharing a
accessibility details on Google maps
Help people’s find food worth eating
And find places worth seeing
Find The things worth doing
And more

What does The local guides program mean to me

The local guides program mean to me more things

Providing many services to people to find different roads and discover areas that were unknown. Through the program, you can discover the most beautiful hotels, restaurants, cafes, historical and cultural monuments. People can also be guided on closed roads and single and multiple directions. Finally, I am very happy that I am one of the local guides in Algeria


Hi @Benche ,

Some of the photos you’ve posted does not appear to be your own and violates the rules. For reference please read the original content guidelines on Connect. It would be great if you can replace them.

Please make sure you edit it and remove the photos that are not yours, or your post will be moved to the off-topic section of the community. In case you don’t have such photos, you can always make use of our photo library.