Food tourism, the crunchiest part of travelling.

Caption: A photo of a variety of Malaysian street food taken from above.(Getty Images)Eating can be a pleasure or can turn to a nightmare. And when you are travelling it is even more visible as you don’t know your surroundings.

Food tourism can be either having a star chef cook a meal for less than 10€ just in front of you during a street food festival or catching a bad case of upset stomach. No restaurant will ever tell you if their food is bad, and you will rarely have the opportunity to check their kitchen by yourself. Google local guides can help you for that.

As much as I love travelling, learning about different cultures and meeting new people, sometimes I like to know where I’m heading, especially when it comes to food. Nobody wants to be charged extra in that lovely restaurant on the beach just because you look like a tourist and they didn’t clearly display the price in their menu. Sometimes you want to eat like the locals, and Google local guides can help you for that. Sometimes you prefer to get some comfort food, and it is nice to know where you can find that homely taste.

Otherwise, what I like to share most about restaurants I visit, in addition to the global food quality and experience is their vegetarian or vegan option if they have some, their full menu and the price range. I am not a vegetarian or vegan myself, but lots of my friends are and it can be a hustle to find a place to eat together if we don’t prepare it beforehand by calling directly the place we want to dine in. I believe that in 2019 this kind of information should be listed and present in the restaurants description and this is what i care sharing on Google maps through my review.