If you open many of the Local Guides’ Gallery, sorry, I learnt a new word yesterday from one of the Superb Local Guides here; “the real Local Guides” .
So, let’s do this again;
If you open any of the Real Local Guides’ Galleries or Photo albums, you probably would find something like this;
No, this is not a Collage.
I think this ‘Collage’ actually points to all the ‘work’ we Local Guides put into ensuring we have just the right amount of everything; “Tint, Color, Temperature, Saturation, Warmth, HDR effects, Brightness, Contrast, etc.” Like my ErmesT will say; “It is quality over quantity”.
Now, I need your help. Why? It is my intention to begin (starting from next week) to eat my food before it loses all of its heat and how I hate to eat cold food except it’s Ice-cream or Parfait or Cake of course!
- How many Pictures do you take before you get ‘the actual one’ that you think ‘sits right’ just for Connect or for Google Maps?
- Do you take help from people to get just the right picture?I do, I get people to hold the different backdrops I use. For me. I mean it’s a full-fledged ‘Photo Shoot’, only that; my reward is in the joy I feel after contributing towards the map. Apart from my Religious activities, this is the only thing I pay so much attention to that I do not get paid for.
- Do you create special backgrounds for your Photos?
Now, these questions are specifically for those who use, most often, a “Phone camera”.
I will be waiting for your comments, I want to see if I can get ‘through taking my pictures so quickly’, that I eat my food before it turns cold this was my life before I became a Local Guide and before I joined Connect
P.S. :-
I have an upcoming event on the 21st of June, 2020. if you have not, please RSVP here, do not be told about the first Lagos-Indian Party for Local Guides. Thank you