FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY - Best Photography Tips, Por favor #photographybants

If you open many of the Local Guides’ Gallery, sorry, I learnt a new word yesterday from one of the Superb Local Guides here; “the real Local Guides:speak_no_evil: .

So, let’s do this again;

If you open any of the Real Local Guides’ Galleries or Photo albums, you probably would find something like this;

No, this is not a Collage. :see_no_evil: :astonished: :sweat:

I think this ‘Collage’ actually points to all the ‘work’ we Local Guides put into ensuring we have just the right amount of everything; “Tint, Color, Temperature, Saturation, Warmth, HDR effects, Brightness, Contrast, etc.” Like my ErmesT will say; “It is quality over quantity”.


Now, I need your help. Why? It is my intention to begin (starting from next week) to eat my food before it loses all of its heat :see_no_evil: and how I hate to eat cold food except it’s Ice-cream or Parfait or Cake of course! :yum:

  1. How many Pictures do you take before you get ‘the actual one’ that you think ‘sits right’ just for Connect or for Google Maps?
  2. Do you take help from people to get just the right picture?I do, I get people to hold the different backdrops I use. For me. I mean it’s a full-fledged ‘Photo Shoot’, only that; my reward is in the joy I feel after contributing towards the map. Apart from my Religious activities, this is the only thing I pay so much attention to that I do not get paid for. :grin:
  3. Do you create special backgrounds for your Photos?

THANK YOU :speak_no_evil:

Now, these questions are specifically for those who use, most often, a “Phone camera”.

I will be waiting for your comments, I want to see if I can get ‘through taking my pictures so quickly’, that I eat my food before it turns cold :see_no_evil: this was my life before I became a Local Guide and before I joined Connect :smirk:

P.S. :-

I have an upcoming event on the 21st of June, 2020. if you have not, please RSVP here, do not be told about the first Lagos-Indian Party :tada: for Local Guides. Thank you :smirk: :joy:


Hi @Ewaade_3A I usually take one or two shots before I eat, but to make sure my food is eaten hot I then choose which one I like to share after I’ve eaten!

I would recommend avoiding HDR in your Maps photos as they’re meant to be realistic and while the intention of HDR is to give more realistic shots, most implementations do the exact opposite!

You’ll see lots of food photos in tonight’s workshop from not one, but two great foodies.



@Ewaade_3A I think it’s always great to capture a number of photos and then take your time to pick which ones are good to go.

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Wow! I feel like the class is a gift to me, I just saw your message now that the class is on @PaulPavlinovich :clap:


That’s the point, my food s cold, before I am done. @And12-X2

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