Food is art

Religion unite faith,

Culture unite diversity,

But food unite everything. The beauty of art. Don’t ever stop to do something different & show it to the world


That my friend @ImanPradipta made my day.

Please tell us more about that dish. What is it called, which restaurant serves it and do you have list of other such places that serve gorgeous food art?



The food in your post spoon beautiful , so I think too hurt for eating .

Let me tag mas @iorikun301 mas kenyang gak porsi begini ,apa makan indahnya saja


Hi @ImanPradipta ,

Welcome to Connect!

You made it perfect! As far I know this art is called food carving, right? I think it’s very difficult to do it. Did you use a special knife? It would be great to tell us more about it.

You might be interested in this article: The best photography tips for taking pictures of food.

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I’ve noticed that your post has an Indonesian language label, so I removed it. If you want to know more about the language labels I recommend you to read the article How do I find posts in my preferred language?


Thank you so much for this beautiful photo @ImanPradipta sharing with us.


Very good tag line and topic. Food is art, food is base of Moods.


@OmerAli That’s terrine de conejo (spanish food). I think there is not restaurant that serve my dish, i was create by myself when i was studying as a chef.

I hope one day i can open my own restaurant, by the way thanks for come to see my blog


@Nyainurjanah Thanks for coming to my blog :grinning:


Amazing pictures @ImanPradipta thanks for sharing these. It appears to have flower rose in India.

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Thanks dude, soon i will upload more photo about delicious food

Hahahaa… Anda dan saya sama, Mbak @Nyainurjanah . Kalau disuguhi makanan yang penampilannya bagus malah sayang kalau dimakan. Diliatin aja. Hahaa…

Makanan begini emang porsinya kecil, tapi kan rasanya enak dan disajikannya berkali-kali bukan cuma ini doang? Lagian kalau bawa bekal nasi putih dari rumah nanti bisa dimarahin Chef-nya. Hahaa… :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Bagus banget platingnya, Mas @ImanPradipta . Bikin pengen hap! Hahaa…

Anda bilang ini terrine de conejo. Dari hasil googling, berarti ini masakan daging kelinci? Menarik sekali. Selama ini saya cuma pernah mencoba sate kelinci. Lembut banget teksturnya.

Terima kasih sudah berbagi :smiling_face::smiling_face:

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@iorikun301 Yes, itu terrine de conejo. Tapi aku kreasikan dengan bentuk lain dan cita rasa yang harus disesuaikan lidah orang Indonesia. Memang benar itu isi daging kelinci yang dicincang dan rempah2 khas indonesia gitu, boleh di share ke kawan2 nya.

Thank you for coming !


@ImanPradipta amazing

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