Food coma

Reviews of restaurants is what I love sharing most on Google Maps because I love food. It’s simple: when I’m at home -now I’m living in Santiago de Compostela because I’m studying at Santiago de Compostela University- and want to go dinner out, I search on Google Maps for places where I could eat because, although I’ve been living here for more than a year, I still need help to find some places. So, if the rest of local guides can help me about this issue, I decided to write a review from a restaurant every time I go out. But I not only write reviews about restaurants in Santiago de Compostela, I also write reviews of another places in Galicia, a community from Spain where is located this town.

My reviews of restaurants have almost always the same structure: I write whether I like the place, how was the food, if it was expensive or cheap, if the staff was kind or unkind and other issues. Finally, when I see my review is enough descriptive, I add a photography of the plate(s) I ate. Since I live in Spain and am from here all my reviews are written in Spanish. Here are some examples:

The first one is a review I wrote in March 2019 about ‘’La Pepita’’, a Galician chain of burgers. You may think that it’s a fast food chain like McDonald’s, but it’s not like that and you would have an enormous surprise if you visit and taste this awesome food.

The review 2 is about a pizza restaurant in Venice, Italy, that I wrote in January 2019.

The reviews 3 and 4 are about two restaurants of the village where I’m come from (Salceda de Caselas, Galicia, Spain).

The last example (review 5) is a restaurant in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), July 2018.

When I write a review of a restaurant I try to be honest and describe the place like it really is and give it the stars it deserves, but sometimes it could seem difficult to me doing this because when the staff is really nice I think food tastes enough better and I don’t care if there is a mistake. The spot where the restaurant is located can also make me change my mind and make a different review from the place.

Finally, I want to clarify that these reviews of restaurants I’ve been making since 2016 (I think I started this year) have all the same purpose: help people to find a good place to eat. Since I love food, not only because of the pleasure of eating, but also because when I go to these spots I go with friends and family and I think that food tastes better when you are with people you love. So, let’s make all local guides share what they love most with their communities!