
How I follow the other local Guide on local profile. There is no option following please help i mention a profile below i can’t find out following options in this ed to Google Map


Hi, @Amal420 . The following option is a limited pilot, and just selected Local Guides can be followed so far. You can read more about that here: Discover even more places on Google Maps ". I also suggest you edit your post and delete the Local Guide profile link, for privacy reasons.

Best regards,



Hi @Amal420

Not all the Local Guides can be followed.

The Pilot project is available on a limited number of areas, and only for active and selected Local Guides.

For more information please read: Discover even more places on Google Maps

Hopefully the pilot will be extended on the next future


Hello @Amal420

The “Follow” concept on Google Maps as well as Connect, is quite different from what you experience on other social media sites.
The “following” feature provides a filter to access the coveted profiles instantly.
Since you already have a link to the required profile, you can do that even now, though the “following” feature is not active.

BTW: You have selected “Mumbai” as your location. Is that intentional or coincidental? Please note, there is another feature on Connect, “Follow your favourite location”. On selection of a specific city, the post appears in that board against the city name.


Hi @Amal420 ,

Thanks for reaching out.

Please note that I have accepted @AlexandreCampbell 's reply as a solution as it gives the complete answer to your question.

I have also removed the name and the Google Maps profile of a Local Guide you have shared. We do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety. If you wish to contact someone you can use a private message. Please take a moment to review our community policy and check these useful tips on using this community before posting.

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I think there is no matter of privacy. Anyway i will edit that post

Hello Im Local Guide Level 9 from Caracas Venezuela, any clue why people cannot follow me? I have been asking why my friends cant follow me :disappointed:


Hi @arss1987 ,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

I just wanted to let you know that I am merging your post to a similar discussion, where you will get the information needed. Have in mind that this is how we keep the forum organized.

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Me too, help me, everybody can’t follow me :sob: . Have a solution?