पिछले 3 दिनों से मंदसौर जिले मध्यप्रदेश मे बहुत तेज बारिश से बाढ़ जैसे हालत पैदा हो गये है…यही तेज बारिश अभी और अगले 24 घण्टे का रेड अलर्ट मौसम विभाग ने जारी किया है…
This is really unfortunate and I’m really sorry to hear about the floods. Here is an article you can read about how to Help you community during a crisis by using the Google features.
FYI, The crisis sheet with the “Report road closure” module is only available to users in the proximity of an active crisis for which an SOS Alert has been launched. However, all users worldwide can report a road closure anytime following the pin drop flow (step-by-step in the connect article shared above). Thanks for trying to help and notify everyone about the road closures!
The photos you’ve posted does not appear to be your own and is in violation of the Local Guides program rules. Your post is written very well and is introducing Flood in a really interesting way but it would be great if you could provide your own images.
Please make sure you edit it and remove the photos that are not yours, or your post will be moved to the off-topic section of the community. In case you don’t have such photos, you can always make use of our photo library.