[Photo: Sunset view from my balcony]
It would be a lie if we say everything is perfect and things are absolutely good as it is suppose to be because in one or the other way each one of us have been effected. It could be financially, materially, physically, emotionally, socially or mentally.
It is in such a phase, adjusting with the new normal and we dont even feel like sharing issues with anyone not even to the closest but keeping it to ourselves and getting drained day by day.
Howevever lets train our brain ? to focus ? on good. Lets not create more distraction to miss the right direction but focus on what is good, accept the reality and move on towards the greater good.
Everyday we face loads of challenges but learn to stop living by feelings and start living by faith.
Its not easy to focus on good with too many chaos and crazy things happening around but remember each one of us, we are atleast blessed with fresh air to breathe, water to drink, clothes to wear, shelter to protect us from heat and cold and food to fill our hunger, etcetera, etcetera….
Continue to gear up and fix our focus on the good and we will get freedom. Adding to it, when we focus on Faith and keep it alive nothing in the world can keep us locked out. Always remember we are overcomers.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Keep rocking ???