First sustainable school in South America is located in Jaureguiberry, Canelones, Uruguay.


Hi @sandratorres2002 ,

Welcome to Connect.

Oh that it’s really great. I wish we could have more schools like that not only in South America but around the world. Do you know when the schools was build? Besides of solar panels do they do something else? Sharing more information about the images you upload helps others to understand why you are sharing and why they should read your posts.

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Hi Felipe!

The school was built in 2016 and it took three and a half months to be finished.It is a public rural school and It was designed by U.S. architect Michael Reynolds. He calls this system of construction Earth ship.The school has a natural system of ventilation and heating through wind turbines. it gets its electricity from solar panels, and the building is equipped to generate electricity. They grow organic foods which is used to prepare meals for children who eat at the school. Therefore children do not only learn to grow their own foods and eat healthily but they also teach their parents to do so.

It’s a great school and everybody should visit it! We think that every country deserves to have schools like this one.

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