Attended connect live’19 experience sharing meetup and it was first meetup I have ever attended which held in United International University on November 29th from 3pm to 6:30pm.
As I live in Dhanmondi and attending meetup for the first time, managed one of my closest friend Saad to be there with me and reached there just at the perfect time when registration was about to start. Participants were standing in a queue outside the gate of auditorium and we were just mesmerized seeing their curiosity and excitement. Heard that many of them had to travel a long distance to attend the meetup but did not see any exhaustion among them.
Seeing the video of last meetups specially the 100th one which held in Chittagong was one the greatest among meetups in Bangladesh. The arrangement was extraordinary for that and we had a little bit taste in this one. Knowing the core members about themselves, discussion on different issues that local guides are facing and the arrangement google are making for the local guides for coming year was important for us. Experience shared by Mahbub bhai and guidance by the moderator is truly inspiring.
Last but not the least, need to mention about raffle draw, showcased through a casino wheel, which was exciting. I was about to leave at that time as I had some other planning but just at that moment I saw my name on the screen. It was the first time I won any gift from any lottery. So thanks to 123rd meetup.
Although it’s a small community of Bangladesh but I am sure that you won’t find this type of bonding between any other community members. All the core members have worked relentlessly for the success of this meetup. They perform this voluntarily but dedication they have, cannot be described in words. This is an example for all other guides. Hats off to you guys for guiding us throughout the way.