First Local Guides Meeting in Odesa

We’ve just had the first Local Guides Meetup in Odesa ever!

Yesterday, on 14th of April nine of us met to walk around, make friends and share experiences. I would say that this was a challenge for all of us but we stood still.
Month ago when I was planning this meeting I double-checked everything, including weather, holidays, weekends and even other events held in the city. Everything was just perfect.
When the date came - well. Rainy day with heavy skies and cold wind - what can be worse than going to the seaside?

However, nine of us came. Each took a cup of coffee, french fries and we marched out for our route. Odesa is wonderful during the springtime, whatever the weather is. It is green and blooming, with warm fresh air and salty flavour.

Our way began on French Boulevard (Frantsuz’ky Blvd), where we found some wonderful pieces of street art.Take a look!

After going through Mauritanian Arch, we went down to the Health Track (Zdorovya Track). The way we took is right next to Odesa’s ropeway which is not very famous, however unique and extraordinary.

The first stop on our path was my personal love and the most beautiful beach in Odesa - Dog’s beach. Why is it called so? Try to guess! It takes time to get to the beach, but the view totally worth it - marvelous!

When we got to our first stop, the rain has started. As far as there’s no place to hide from it on the shore we had to leave our route and find a dry place to continue our meeting.

I am happy that everything went on so well. We are heroes since the weather could not beat us. Soooo, guys! Enjoy pictures from our walk and come visit Odesa!

#localguides #localguidesukraine #localguidesodesa #odesa #ukraine


Молодцы : )

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Hi @helenarebel ,

I’m happy you guys managed to meet and have fun while taking these lovely photos despite the rain! Thanks for sharing with us!

I hope the next time it won’t be raining! Odesa is very beautiful city and I’m looking forward to see your next posts from the city.


@KatyaL Thanks for your reply! That’s awesome that our meeting is valuable not only for us)


@helenarebel cool meet up! I like Odessa, amazing city!

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@NatalkaR thanks for your support! It was a great meetup indeed!)