Firefly Eco-Tour

Firefly Eco-Tour

Liyu Lake

Liyu Lake, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 974

April 09, 2017 @ 19:30 (CST)

Fireflies are frequently seen in the spring and summer, and they have the sweet nickname of “fire-gold-aunt”. During the night, around the banks of the rivers and ponds, or close to the rice paddies, light-spots can frequently be seen in the sky or around thick growths of grass, looking like small lanterns flying in the wind. During the firefly mating season, in April and May, the fireflies will assemble in the evenings to produce a small, fluorescent light, as they romantically shuttle through the growths of grass. This is the biological response of the enzyme catalysis occurring in the luminescence matter found in their bodies. In order to reproduce, they must light the “flames of love”. The light of the fireflies not only attracts mates, their different radiation frequencies and colors also transmit various messages. Fireflies that have been disturbed, or are in danger, use light to send a warning to other fireflies. During April and May, Liyu Lake experiences a burst of new life. The sounds of the frogs and bird, the sight of the fireflies as they twinkle and flutter around the mountains, all cause this place to become a popular stronghold for nighttime eco-tourism. Every year, in early spring, various departments sponsor firefly eco-tours, and a series of tourism and recreational activities are sponsored for the firefly season. It is hoped that through the planned activities and information provision, recreational tourism can integrate nature and culture, allowing the public to acquire more ecological knowledge through ecological experiences and tours, leading to more environmental concern.

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