Finding "Other Life" from The Cities to The Edge of Seas in Indonesia

Before I start, let me tell you that I’m not a traveling junkie who will do anything to travel anytime and anywhere they want. I’m just a common working-class guy who still lives in my parent’s house. However, I do love to go outside to find something new, interesting, and not-so-many-people-know kind of places. Also, I’d love to experience something new, something that I’ve never thought about.

I am Indonesian who lives in Depok city, which is located about 30 km south of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. For you, who never heard of Indonesia, just check it on google (I give you a minute to check and please come back here to read my story). As a working-class guy, I often do the exploration (of finding new experiences) on the weekend. Mostly, I prefer Jakarta city to explore, because Jakarta has a lot of building, alleys, and very diverse people. The key when you are on exploration is: look broadly, then look closely, and you can find something that might never occur in our mind before.

Here are some examples: a life sight of shipbreakers at the ship scrapyard, a small bar with plenty of plants in the rooftop and a playable pipe organ made from 1843 located in an old church in the middle of Jakarta (the rumor says, there only 2 pipe organ with this type in the world, one is located on its origin, Netherlands).

Sometimes, Jakarta gets me bored and I feel it is time to go far far away from a big-glamorous city to a greeny small village with a great natural environment. So, when national holidays came, I packed my bag, got on my outdoor shoes and went to explore new things outside the cities. The most things I’d like to see after more than a thousand hours staying in the cities is: the sea.

But, I’m not really going into a very crowded beach. I prefer to find a new beach (or a cliff) which not too many people know. Of course, it is sometimes very difficult to find this kind of beach. No smooth road, sharp shrubs, and wild animals might be found on the way to this kind of beach. But, the effort will be paid when you finally get there. The unique smell of the sea, the strong wind touches your hair, and the noisy sound of the sea waves… I really can’t resist!

In the end, I can say that most things I’d like to collect during the finding-of-other life activities are the histories, cultures, and some folk stories behind it. For me, it’s kind of brain and soul recreation, to throw away toxicity which generated from my daily life. For me also, it is a must to share all the things I’ve collected above, to the other people through Google Maps and other social media. I will be glad to see someone start to go outside and explore something new like I am doing until now ?


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