Finding best Japanese food with reasonable price

I am a foreigner living in Tokyo, I love Japanese food very much.

Such as Sushi, Sashimi, Tempura, Japanese noodle, I also like Japanese Sake very much.

I think that the food is a very represent of the culture of a country.

I will continue to find good foods with reasonable price in Tokyo,

and share it to you guys.


Hi! @Ruiyu

My name is shota.

I have written Local Guides Connect first time.

What kind of Japanese food and where do you like?

And about how much do you choice the target price?

I will choice the Japanese food restaurant, do my best!!

Best regards,


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Hi shota

I like sushi, sashimi, yakiniku, and so on.

The price is reasonable, because i have no so much money.


I’m sorry for not reply sooner.

I would like to introduce you about reasonable sushi restaurant based conveyor.

Please look my topic!

Reasonable sushi restaurant in Tokyo area

That’s OK, thanks for your share.