Find the rating, little star


Can anyone help me to find my little star?

I searching for it but i dont know how to find… i have 1 of it but i want to turn it into a review… :grinning:


Link: (feel free te follow btw) hehe


Not sure about why it is difficult to find it, @De_Rouck_Sidney , in any case, I suppose you are looking for this place.

Wijnegem - Shop Eat Enjoy

Have a nice evening

Hi, @De_Rouck_Sidney

Based on my experience, imho, it’s easy to find your rating only review:

  • Go to contribution, scroll your review until you find it; or
  • Type the name of the place you’ve remember you’ve shared rating only.

Maybe others could suggest a better option.


@ErmesT lol how did u find it? Not by scrolling i suppose?

Anyway thanks a lot man i was looking after this little star… for a really long time :smile:

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@iorikun301 i am searching him for 3 years, i scrolled everything like 50 times cause my reviews cant stop turn private on me…

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I have my secret method of searching, @De_Rouck_Sidney . LOL

Of course I did it but scrolling, starting from the end. It is quite quick to scroll 636 review, it took around a minute.

Happy that the issue has been solved

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In my experience, there’s no way Google would hidden review/rating from the author (ourself), @De_Rouck_Sidney , eventhough it might be hidden from public for whatever reasons.

@De_Rouck_Sidney May i ask what is this little star your searching for ? Do we all have one or was it just a rating only no typed review ?

@Johnsy05 ya man, thats it @ErmesT is my hero.