Find the Dragon in Cracow

Find the Dragon in Cracow

Smok Wawelski

Stare Miasto, Kraków, Poland

August 17, 2019 @ 14:00 (CEST)

Hello LG, we will have a meet up in Krakow on the 17.08. . Already now 2 other LGs has confirmed to join. We will go to some special places along the Wisla and discover together the history around the Krakow Dragon. We will talk about history and how beautiful is done the link between the present and the past in one of the most beautiful towns of Europe (or maybe as well the world?) What we will do: 1. Walking around and taking photos 2. Visiting pubs with WLAN to upload already some pictures and reviews 3. Talking about the newer and older history of Krakow 4. Enjoy that we are together In the afternoon we will visit some pubs. You are free to join as well only for a part. We will welcome you for sure. It will be a deep dive into the history of Krakow with a lot of fun.

RSVP here


Hi @TorM ,

It’s great to see your new badge on Connect :slight_smile: Thanks a lot for hosting this interesting meet-up with the Local Guides! I hope you will capture beautiful landscapes in Cracow and enjoy your valuable time together! I’m looking forward to see your recap :slight_smile:


Thank you @KatyaL

This new batch will not reduce my enthusiasm for organizing meet ups! I love to have meetups as this is a good possibility to get in touch with interesting people! I hope beside my two friends, who already confirmed, but maybe have a problem with the registration here on localguidesconnect, more will join. We will be at least 5 people this time… So I’m looking forward to a great meeting with a nice recap :wink:

Hi @TorM ,

I’m happy to see your reply! Feel free to spread the news on Connect among your fellow Local Guides and on your social media channels using #letsguide.

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I love love love the old capitalKrakow…wish I could be there to join you @TorM .


Great idea @TorM , I love the story behind the Dragon along the Wisla river.

I wish you can join @AdamGT

Can’t wait to read your Recap



How it is with you? Will you join us?


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Witam Polski przewodnikow lokalny!

Jest super okazja aby spotykac!

Kraków Krakow Krakau Cracovia Krakov

I will be out of Poland, possibly next time :slight_smile:

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Oh @Rodrigo

This is sad…

Hope to see you next time!

46 hours and we will start.