Are there any Swedish people members on this page?
Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish Swedish
To look for Local Guides from a specific location, I suggest searching the community for mentions of the city you are interested in. This way you can find posts that have that name in the title, in the body of the post, or in the location tag. Feel free to join the conversations and to connect with Local Guides in your area.
You can also look for meet-ups by city here and if you don’t find any, you can still organize one following the suggestions you can read here:
I have redacted your personal contact details from your comment. You might not know this, but we do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other people’ privacy and safety. If you wish to get in touch with other Local Guides, there is a private messaging system in place that you can use instead.