Finally reached Level 8

The year 2022 wasn’t my most active one. I’ve been taking a break from social media for my mental health and needed the time off. I knew it was temporary though, and eventually, I wanted to come back here, on Connect because of the wonderful friends I’ve made.

The first thing that brought me back here was the Guiding Stars. As one of the alumni, I was excited to see who were the incredible people chosen this year. Seeing the presentation made me feel the butterflies once again. After coming back on Connect, I’ve seen the Community Challenge and thought this would be the perfect way to contribute once again on maps. Unfortunately, didn’t have a lot of days to contribute, so I “only” reached the top 5%. But it gave me the motivation I needed to reach Level 8!!! I’m so glad. And expect to see more of my post during the next year!


@Melissa_Langlois Congratulations and best wishes for u.


Congratulations, @Melissa_Langlois , on your latest achievements!

Keep up the amazing work!

Best wishes,



Hi @Melissa_Langlois , hope now you are in good health.

Congratulations on your success :tada: :confetti_ball: keep contributing…


@Melissa_Langlois Congratulations! Best Wishes and Happy New Year!


Ein frohes neues Jahr wünsche ich dir @Melissa_Langlois

WWohoooo endlich Stufe 8! Gratuliere dir!!!

Es ist toll zu lesen, dass dir Google Connect Schmetterlinge im Bauch verursacht hat :blush:

Und wunderbar, dass du “zurück” bist! 2023 wird ganz bestimmt herrlich und ich freue mich auf Beiträge von dir!

Google Maps und Google Connect haben auch mir auf dem Weg von Genesung enorm geholfen, gut, wenn man dies wahrnimmt :wink:



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প্রতিটা ধাপ পার করার আনন্দ খুব দারুন হয় অভিনন্দন @Melissa_Langlois

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Congratulations @Melissa_Langlois It’s great to have you back. My fellow Cannuck.

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Where i can found challenge?

Congratulations :tada: @Melissa_Langlois

Thank you all so much! I really appreciate your kind words! Especially from @TerryPG my fellow Canucks! :wink:

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Hi @Melissa_Langlois

Congratulations on your new level!!
Sometimes changing habits or taking a break is very useful to recap our mind.