FIFA world cup qatar 2022 stadiums

Al thumama stadium is one of wonderful stadium building by qatar for the next FIFA world cup qatar 2022, all the stadium are ready before one year to start date


So nice @ahmedbencheikh

Al bait Stadium is also beautiful and we’ll built design



Thanks for the nice pictures.
Great stadium!
I’m looking forward to the World Cup!


All the stadiums are very nice and integrated new technologies


Thx bro,

I recommand you to come it is very interested

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This is great! I worked on renderings for this stadium back in 2017. Its amazing to see it built


Ohh that’s great, yes good feeling when you build something and you see it real, i know this feeling

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You made the video or what??

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Nice photos @ahmedbencheikh

Very happy that the stadia are ready much before the event.

In your photo, there are audiences - has it been operational?



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Wonderful - I saw your work on YouTube, appreciate it too.

Best wishes, LG @mattsname

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