Feeling Amazed when I see 4.5 million views by the Google Maps User

Dear fellow local guides,

Its been always feeling great to contribute to the community. As such my contributed photos viewed over 4.5 million. I was never thought it can make such a difference. I got thanked from local people because of their business expand as a result of my contribution.

I want to share my happiness with you and hope that to get continuous support from my fellow local guides.


@ShakilAK Congratulations for this achievement. We know its a good start and waiting for more big.

Happy Guiding!

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Well done and congratulations on your 4.5 MILLION views achievement @ShakilAK . That’s a fantastic achievement when we think that every single view has helped someone and you have certainly helped a lot of people!

Its been feeling always great from getting inspiration from you brother @ShafiulB . Wish your continuous support for me

Thanks brother @AdamGT for recognizing my small contribution to the world