Feeding animal my new experience

Feeding animal for some people who born and live in a big town is a new experience.

Bogor has a recreation area that have the area that visitor can feeding animal.

This area implement a strict regulation that visitor do not allowed to bring food or drink to feed animal for te shake of the safety of the animal.

Here is the example animal food, fresh kale leaves and carrots in a bamboo bucket, each visitor have a bucket.

@Liahakso and @dinitelmo are feeding the goats

Rabits in the area.

We also can take picture between the animal with special assit from the staff :

This touris attraction is located in Bogor .

I do write a review and add some photos here .

Details can be watch on Youtube

Do you have any experience about feeding animal ?


Eee… lucunyaa…

Ngasih makan lalapan ke rusa sama kambing.

Itu sayur-sayurannya masih musti bayar lagi, Pak @BudiFXW ?

Pengelolanya pinter juga. Jadi ga perlu repot-repot kasih makan sendiri. Biar pengunjungnya aja. Whehee… :smile_cat: :smile_cat:

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Makanan Termasuk dalam harga tiket @iorikun301 .

Hebat ya thinking out of the box , yang bayarin makan ya pengunjungnya

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Waahh nice, I just feeding my cat during WFH lol

btw Pak, it’s not me @BudiFXW :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

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