Fast food resturant

So while going to get my new scooter upgraded i found a kfc here in jersey city that has been updated in terms of style and appearance its realy small and bares the classic red and white colors. Inside its realy clean and they have a nice dinner style set up inside the store. Inspite it being located in one of the many hoods of jersey city it makes for a nice warm place especialy when its super cold out side. The funny thing about this pic that i took of it this joint would unexpectly get me 793 views in less than a day and counting and even with the store being closed for the day it is still doing numbers as we speak! If ya liked this post and were entertained give me a follow on ig @Kessnubian here is a pic of the kfc that i took!..stay warm out there peoples


Hey. @Kessnubian
Welcome to Google Local Guide.
You shared with us some detailed information with a picture of a beautiful restaurant.
You could share some more food pictures with us.
Hope to hear from you later.

Sup my dude most def!! Some time today!! If ya dont mind pls follow me on ig@kessnubian.