Grill barbeque chicken corn lettuce slice of bread
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Can you tell us more about your experience? Did you went out to a restaurant or you made this dish by yourself?
Hi @Zcar77
As @MoniV mention you in comment, can you please elaborate more about this food so that community will understand about the food from your country.
You can take a look of this post
@MoniV Actually this is my mom cooking she had a nice gathering at her house for Valentines , wasn’t able to go to dinner but mom made it happen
@IshantHP_ yes this is a grill chicken my mom did the grilling lol and we roasted some corn it was time spent with family on Valentine’s day
Hey @Zcar77 ,
This is just great, I adore my mom’s dinners Sometime this is the better choice.
I wish you to have many dinners like this one.
@MoniV no problem I was wondering why but thank you for your assistance you know it’s not a easy task on getting your photos up especially how it make great changes coming in today digital marketing