Family trip - Island Lokrum, Dubrovnik, Croatia

I enjoy traveling, and during my travels I take alot of photos. Great oportunity to put alot of photos to Google maps.

For added bonus sometimes I sneek my baby in to the photos.


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Hi @Kolarek ,

Thank you very much for showing to everyone here the beauty of Lokrum island. I admire this island and I wrote a topic called Guide to Dubrovnik - my first visit to the city. Lokrum is really exotic place close to the big city.

Your photos are so funny and interesting. Are you a professional photographer?

P.S. I wanted only to mention to you that Local Guides Connect is a public community and for us the privacy of each person is important. As a general advice Iā€™d suggest you being careful about posting photos of children online.

Dear @KatyaL ,

thank you for the warning about publishing children photos online. I have looked in to the matter and I understand implications regarding childs privacy, and future implications on to the childs development. I will stop publishing them (even if they bring me much joy).

Also thank you for complemanting my photos, and to answer you, I am not proffesional photographer :slight_smile:

All the best


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