Beautiful time touring Roma Italy for three days then on to Civitavecchia for three day. So much to see in a three day period.
Hello! @MarianGrant .I have also been in Rome and visited the Coliseum ( in your photograph).And I was walking for 30 minutes on Villa Borghese streets,Did you?.
Hello @IamJoseFelixAranda we walked from the train station to the Colosseum. We did some shopping along the way. Seeing this original Colosseum was magnificent. I live in Los Angeles CA so I get to see the replica of the Colosseum which is the home of the USC football every Saturday. Did you enjoy your time there?
Yes I did @MarianGrant .I also visited the Colosseum and even I went inside where the spectators were watching the circus performances in the Roman Empire era.Me in a group of a few friends went walking around the city of Rome center one all morning.And we discovered Villa Borghese,a middle class,modernist,and also beautyful neibeurhood.I recomend.
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Is there a translation on this app? I would like to respond.
Thank you . I just figured out the translation.