falling in love with Google

  1. my love for google started with my love for knowledge and the terms doctors used to describe what my kids were suffering from and then the passion grew so much that i read alot and learn and one day i came across the map guide at first i ignored it but then i got intreasted when i got the option for review the resturant i just visited and how was it?for me that was my point of start because i want people to know which place is worth your time and money and which can improve and enhance to attract a better crowd.and thats the point when i actually started to use Google the way i breath.i can’t even imagine a single day without it and the funny part is last week my son had his tonsills removed and i was so prepared and educated about it that the surgeon aksed me do u work in Google? and call it sarcasm but i loved the fact that i am connected to Google like air in my life.