Hello, we have recently started to receive fake reviews and pictures from one particular user. The photos have nothing to do with the location that is being rated. Pictures of the private living room are being used for reviews of restaurants, pizzarias, law firms and retail. Always the same photos. The ratings are often meaningless and very general. Is there any way to take action against this one user? It is definitely spam and not helpful.
Thanks a lot!
Hi @Baristarine
From your text, I guess you might own a business.
This forum is for the volunteer local guides only. Business owners have their own help pages and forum.
Here is the GBP help center and you find the GBP forum here.
Please also see You can now report entire profiles for abuse on Google Maps.
There are some people who use Google Maps as their drive, such as taking a photo and adding it to a place,
I have also seen and reported some such photos but they are still the same .and some have been removed thanks
action should be taken against them
thank you for your quick response.
I am so sorry, posting in the wrong forum. I was not aware of that.
Thank you for the links to the appropriate forum and your help. I already took action.
Thank you and have a great day!
Thank you @Lamba for your reaction. Well, in this case the user just wants to collect points and level up as a local guide.
But pictures from the private living room in company profiles across the country won’t help others to value these locations.
I already reported the user profile and hope Google will take action.
Thank you a lot!
Take care!
I am not great at computer nor claim be any form IT.
From basic and learning…
Screen shot
Go to Google site report scam and fraud.
See if there a Guide email, do same.
Show it to as many people you can, someone going recognize the photos and the person sending , posting it. Trust me internet can be a small place,