Hello @JeroenM
Thanks for your private message:
"I hope all is well. May I join you on your photo walk in Paris?
Lot’s of Local Guides around the world are interested in getting a flavor of this exciting global happening, initiated by Paul. On Facebook, the unofficial community “Guides World” is planning two Facebook Live broadcasts to cover some of the “36” events.
We are planning a show at 8 a.m. (UTC) which is 10 a.m. in Paris. Our first show is supposed to last an hour, so hopefully, you would like to join us on Facebook live, once you are on your way with your participants. We would love to feature your Paris event and share it Local Guides on Facebook.
All that is needed to participate in this global Facebook Live is a mobile phone with an internet connection. If you yourself do not wish to be the person to be responsible for filming, let me know and I am happy to ask one of your participants. But as you are the host of this event, I would like to know if you are okay with having your event featured on our Live Facebook broadcast. I would love to interview you about the 36 initiative and your LG community.
Just over a week ago, I hosted our first show for our FB group with people joining in Germany, Montenegro, Australia and India.
Let me know what you think.
Looking forward to hearing from you."
I prefer to reply here in the “Let’s Meet-up!” board rather than in a private message because my reply is not private : any participant or host of a"36" photowalk Meet-up may be interested in participating to this exchange. I also tag @PaulPavlinovich , as I am interested in his opinion on how we should communicate about the event.
The Paris “36” walk is scheduled between 10 and 12 am. During the Meet-up, I want to focus on the real world to make sure that all participants have the best experience, so I cannot be on Facebook live during the Meet-up. If @PaulPavlinovich think it is a right way to communicate about the event, I agree for an interview before or after the meet-up on your Facebook group.
Best regards